Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Hurricane Sandy served us a soggy situation.

Wow! Nothing like making up for lost rain. The horses survived happily in their stalls as I served them as if they were flying first class. "More hay? May top off your water?" They are a funny little community. As long as everyone is doing the same thing they are okay with what ever the situation. Anyways check out some of these pictures I took today as a souvenir of hurricane Sandy.



The waterfall to the Stone Cabin was spectacular! Not to mention loud as thunder!

The waterfall by the silt pond was a sight. My rubber boots are no match for that much water.


I kept Trucker, Brody and Gift dry in the sheds until Sandy left. Then, when I opened the gates to the South pasture, they immediately headed for the deep water to the manure pit. We don't need safety orange hunting vests, we need life jackets!

New Staff at MGS.

Brooke Daughters and Hannah Lucic are in training at the stable. Sara is going to have her hands full preparing them to fill her and Emily's shoes. Welcome to the stable.




Look who I got to ride last week when it was beautiful. IT'S JAN on Trucker. We had a great time going to the Upper Duck Pond.


What remarkable weather we've had.

I'll be back and remember, keep your heels down.






Wednesday, October 24, 2012

What a gorgeous week for Indian Summer. I hope everyone got to enjoy this little fall treat of warmth and color. I took this Monday morning while filling troughs. I haven't seen an autumn like this in a few years.
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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The poop Scoop

October 15, 2012

This is an unusual day here. I haven't had many quiet days in the stable in a long time. Move over Xina!

Horse health updates.

Horse vaccinations last Monday went very well. Everyone except Trucker was good about taking their shots.

Sissy is on the mend and is at least getting out of her stall for turn out.

Casey has been diagnosed with uveitis and is being treated with steroids for now.

Doc is battling Laminitis. Hopefully the Bute, shoeing and everyone pulling for him will keep it from getting worse. We're thinking about ya, Jan.










Winter Ventilation Guidelines.

I know it's cold. But your horse will do much better if he or she has fresh air.

The barn will typically stay 10 degrees warmer inside with 14 horses than the outside temperature.


30 degrees and up keep the leeward doors open wide enough for 2 people to pass.

20-30 degrees keep the leeward doors open wide enough for 1 person to pass.

10-20 degrees keep leeward doors open enough for Oliver to pass.

0 degree leave main front door open a crack. Burrr.



Thanks to everyone that helped unload shavings last Friday. We unloaded them in record time. 2 1/2 hours. Tina said she never wants to do that again. Christina was taking pics that day too. It is a disgusting job. Cough, Hack, Wheeze! Who's the beast of burden around here?






I'm back!

Keep your heels down, Holly.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Emerson Equine Quote

“Riding a horse is not a gentle hobby, to be picked up and laid down like a game of solitaire. It is a grand passion. It seizes a person whole and once it has done so, he/she will have to accept that his life will be radically changed.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Saturday, October 13, 2012

Hey kids it's a busy Fall Friday!

Friday was a beautiful fall day...blue skies, white fluffy clouds, white 18 wheeler... Wait...It's shaving delivery day!!!

They looked like a pile of marshmallows in front of ISO barn.

Loading into main stable, I couldn't stay too long taking pictures- they tried to recruit me!!!

Meanwhile blacksmith visits...it was a busy day at MGS

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Location:Mentor Rd,Chardon,United States

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Monday, October 8, 2012

October 8, 2012.
I gotta get back to my musings. The barn is always a buzz with people, horses, chickens and all the drama that goes with them. So now that the weather is changing  I'll be able to get back on track with my writing and keeping everyone up to date with the goings on at MGS.

 to Christina for keeping the flame under the Poop Scoop. Summer activities preclude me from carrying on my mission to be a famous blogger.
 Now let's catch up. I'll be writing the Poop Scoop as long as I can remember how I got in here in the first place.

Oh bucket

A pause for paws...sometimes in life you just gotta say "0h bucket"

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