Thepoop Scoop
MARCH 2012
Mud season is what March is all about this time of the year. March is soil conservation month! Not having the snow cover to act as a bandage to protect the fields from the horses was really hard on them. The horses enjoyed the long days outside all winter, but there is a price. Thru the month of March, on rainy days I will leave everyone in. If it was a wet night before I’ll get them out for a couple of hours just to get stalls done. We can use the front pasture and the one behind the house for sacrifice turn out. I want them out as much as they do. We’ve had this situation here in the past and I want good pasture for the summer. Watch, will have a drought this summer and have the opposite problem.
Talk about the winter that wouldn’t be. In 24 years of working here I’ve never seen a mild winter like this before. We didn’t burn thru the hay like we normally do. Usually when it gets to the month of March I’m counting bales of hay and praying we will get thru to first cutting. Sadly, we are going to have to eat up the 2011 hay which is the worst I’ve seen. Nobody looks like they are perishing eating this stuff. Take a look at Donna. She looks fantastic.
· Kristen Richmann is engaged. No wedding plans yet.
· Jake made it to Texas. Not like MGS down there. She’ll be back.
· Erin that used to work here is now doing pornos on U tube. See what happens when I fire someone. You gotta find your niche in the world, I guess.
· Anyone heard from Sharon Cottrell?
Maple syrup season is here. Matt has not been the trail Nazi yet. So be careful on the sugar bush road for trucks going in and out. If you want to buy fresh maple syrup, let me know.
Please report any trees or debris to me so I can get a list going for trail clearing day in May.
Shedding season and vacuum use.
Wasn’t it nice of Kristie Small to bring her vacuum here? Please make sure you don’t let your horse step on the hose or power cord. Also, empty the bag too. I can show you how to do it if you need help. In addition, if your horse has never experienced the vacuum before, it’s a good idea to let it run for a while so they get used to the noise. Then introduce them to the nozzle without it running. When you turn on the vacuum it’s best to do it on their neck until they see how good it feels. Remember to clean up poop and hair from your shedding beast. You can throw it in the manure pile for the birds to pick through.
EBTA tags are coming due and we are lucky to have Jenny Thomas move in this month. So, please join this so the Arboretum sees there are many people interested in keeping the trail system going.
Well keep your heels down and hope we don’t get indian winter.
P.S. Robbi, t0hanks for the proofreading,
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